The SEMPI Social Communication Model - Community Edition
The SEMPI Community Model is designed for individuals or groups of up to ten people at once. Any more than 10, and we ask that you contact Alyse and ask permission. There is absolutely no charge to use this version of the model and we encourage community members to 'pay it forward' to allow as many people as possible to gain an understanding and receive the many benefits of the model.
Where is The SEMPI SCM distributed to?
The SEMPI SCM is currently being distributed out to, and used in selected Australian, American and Canadian hospitals (general adult and child, psychiatric & adult and child hospices) as well as family and domestic violence shelters, and homeless shelters. We are currently working on the Aboriginal version of the SEMPI model, and will start to trial it before next month in our Western Sydney communities. The SEMPI adult model is also distributed to the American army, navy, air force, marines, coastguard, and veterans through a very kind family, Dave and Wendy Williams, and their company based in New York called Good Scrolls. The SEMPI SCM is also used in selected American, Australian, Philippine, Canadian, African, New Zealand, England and Irish schools.
The SEMPI SCM is also being used within drug & alcohol groups, family and domestic violence groups, church groups, through counsellors, community groups, community helpers and care packages to disaster victims.
The SEMPI SCM is also available in selected police stations to give to people who are in distress, and would like to talk to someone when they are NOT O.K.
Please join our community!
All that is required is an email address to register as a community member. There are no hidden future charges and all of your information will not be shared with anyone. This is simply to allow us to build a community of SEMPI community members to help us get a better understanding of the way the model is being used, to allow us to improve the model over time, and to let you know all the developments within the SEMPI community.
To download your free community and/or children's model, please SIGN UP to our community by selecting the LOG IN button at the top of any page, and a link will be sent to you.
Once you're joined up, you can log in!
Then simply go to 'MY ACCOUNT' and DOWNLOAD the SEMPI MODEL'S of your choice, as well as the printable instructions to learn how to best use SEMPI.
There are also downloadable SEMPI FLYERS to print off and put up in your community, or you can start your own ONLINE group within your COMMUNITY.
With love and gratitude Alyse Price Tobler (MCAP)
Clinical Psychotherapist (MCAP).