COVID-19 SEMPI Campaign
We are specifically using The SEMPI Model in online groups across the world at this time of world crisis with COVID-19.
The SEMPI Model is also being used across the world via zoom, Skype and other social media platforms to connect people together, and STOP LONELINESS in it's tracks during this pandemic.
In this time of fear and uncertainty, my community members are telling me that they are scared, lonely, and confused about the COVID-19 virus and how it will manifest.
My response has been to let you all know ways in which you can use the SEMPI model within your own communities, without leaving your home.
Due to the unprecedented spread of COVID-19, the world is experiencing loneliness and isolation like nothing we've ever seen before. It's IMPERATIVE that we all keep checking in on each other and supporting our community members who are really struggling.
Some of the countries currently utilising the SEMPI Model among their communities have set up phone hotlines so that community members who are struggling can call in, and speak to a #SEMPIfirstresponder. Once a community member calls in, they can speak about what is upsetting them, and then they can also become a #SEMPIfirstresponder themselves if they would like to.
This idea is relatively easy to implement.
To download your free community and/or children's model, please SIGN UP to our community by selecting the LOG IN button at the top of any page, and a link will be sent to you.
Once you're joined up, you can log in!
Then simply go to 'MY ACCOUNT' and DOWNLOAD the SEMPI MODEL'S of your choice, as well as the printable instructions to learn how to best use SEMPI.
There are also downloadable SEMPI FLYERS to print off and put up in your community, or you can start your own ONLINE group within your COMMUNITY.
With love and gratitude Alyse Price Tobler (MCAP)
Clinical Psychotherapist (MCAP).