by learning how to be a SEMPI 'First Responder'
Due to the unprecedented spread of COVID-19, the world is experiencing loneliness and isolation like nothing we've ever seen before. It's IMPERATIVE that we all keep checking in on each other and supporting our community members who are really struggling.
We are currently using the SEMPI Model to reach our community members, and help them RIGHT NOW.
One way we are doing this, is by online platforms such as zoom, Skype, Facebook messenger, Google Duo, and video conferencing on our phones.
If you don't have any of these methods, you can also just call someone up, and go through SEMPI with them. You don't actually need to be looking at them directly.
Loneliness, albeit a natural feeling, is not something most people want to experience. Whether you're prone to loneliness as the result of a missing loved one or place, or if you're preparing for a time spent away from your friends and family, there are many ways to avoid loneliness. Look at changes you can make by yourself, incorporate more time with friends and family into your life, and learn how to avoid addictive coping mechanisms.
Do you know someone who is dealing with loneliness? Would you like more training on first responder communication and how to react if someone you have met isn’t doing okay mentally or physically? Our SEMPI Social Communication Model is a system that can train you to understand the steps to take when someone you’ve met states that they are lonely or isolated. SEMPI teaches you how to have a deeper conversation to get to the core issue and decide if further professional care is something to look into.
The SEMPI Social Communication Models empowers community members, both children and adults, to have deeper conversations and practicing empathy with those around them.
SEMPI's goal is to reduce the stigma of loneliness, so everyone can feel heard and validated.
The SEMPI SCM has a “pay it forward” design, so it can spread throughout the community faster. If you help someone today, the goal is that they will then help someone else who is in need later. This builds stronger bonds in the community and makes our world a better place to live.
Th SEMPI model gives both people going through it together an immediate snapshot into that person’s physical and mental health. That way, a plan can be made to support them, whether that’s through talking, seeking professional help or looking into additional governmental services.
If you’re interested in becoming a #SEMPIfirstresponder, then it’s time to reach out. You can download this communication model today or reach out to us to learn more about how to implement it in your own community. We are here to help you if you have questions at any time.
On our website, click on “Contact” if you need further support, or you can browse our community pages to see more. We look forward to hearing from you in the future and working with you to make our world a more empathetic place to live.
Let's STOP loneliness and suicide together, RIGHT NOW!
To download your free community and/or children's model, please SIGN UP to our community by selecting the LOG IN button at the top of any page, and a link will be sent to you.
Once you're joined up, you can log in!
Then simply go to 'MY ACCOUNT' and DOWNLOAD the SEMPI MODEL'S of your choice, as well as the printable instructions to learn how to best use SEMPI.
There are also downloadable SEMPI FLYERS to print off and put up in your community, or you can start your own ONLINE group within your COMMUNITY.
With love and gratitude Alyse Price Tobler (MCAP)
Clinical Psychotherapist (MCAP).